
Slick 编程(9): 直接使用SQL语句

jerry Scala 2015年11月25日 收藏


import scala.slick.jdbc.{GetResult, StaticQuery => Q}
import scala.slick.jdbc.JdbcBackend.Database
import Q.interpolation

其中最重要的一个相关类似StaticQuery ,为简洁起见,我们使用Q作为它的别名。连接数据库还是和以前一样Slick 编程(4): 数据库连接和事务处理


case class Supplier(id:Int, name:String, street:String, city:String, state:String, zip:String)
case class Coffee(name:String, supID:Int, price:Double, sales:Int, total:Int)

Database.forURL("jdbc:h2:mem:test1", driver = "org.h2.Driver") withDynSession {



// Create the tables, including primary and foreign keys
Q.updateNA("create table suppliers("+
  "id int not null primary key, "+
  "name varchar not null, "+
  "street varchar not null, "+
  "city varchar not null, "+
  "state varchar not null, "+
  "zip varchar not null)").execute
Q.updateNA("create table coffees("+
  "name varchar not null, "+
  "sup_id int not null, "+
  "price double not null, "+
  "sales int not null, "+
  "total int not null, "+
  "foreign key(sup_id) references suppliers(id))").execute

你可以使用字符串和一个StaticQuery 对象相加(+)构成一个新的StaticQuery 对象,一个简单的方法是使用Q.u 和一个字符串相加,Q.u代表一个相当与StaticQuery.updateNA(??)


// Insert some suppliers
(Q.u + "insert into suppliers values(101, 'Acme, Inc.', '99 Market Street', 'Groundsville', 'CA', '95199')").execute
(Q.u + "insert into suppliers values(49, 'Superior Coffee', '1 Party Place', 'Mendocino', 'CA', '95460')").execute
(Q.u + "insert into suppliers values(150, 'The High Ground', '100 Coffee Lane', 'Meadows', 'CA', '93966')").execute

在SQL查询语句中使用字面量不是一种推荐的方法,尤其是当用户提供数据时(不十分安全), 此时你可以使用 +? 操作符为查询语句绑定一个参数,比如:

def insert(c: Coffee) = (Q.u + "insert into coffees values (" +? c.name +
  "," +? c.supID + "," +? c.price + "," +? c.sales + "," +? c.total + ")").execute

// Insert some coffees
  Coffee("Colombian", 101, 7.99, 0, 0),
  Coffee("French_Roast", 49, 8.99, 0, 0),
  Coffee("Espresso", 150, 9.99, 0, 0),
  Coffee("Colombian_Decaf", 101, 8.99, 0, 0),
  Coffee("French_Roast_Decaf", 49, 9.99, 0, 0)

这段代码相对于 insert into coffees values (?,?,?,?,?)

和updateNA类似, StaticQuery还有一个queryNA方法,它支持一个类型参数(代表表的一行),比如:

Q.queryNA[AlbumRow]("select * from Album") foreach { a => 
		println(" " + a.albumid + " " + a.title + " " + a.artistid)


 /** GetResult implicit for fetching AlbumRow objects using plain SQL queries */
  implicit def GetResultAlbumRow(implicit e0: GR[Int], e1: GR[String]): GR[AlbumRow] = GR{
    prs => import prs._
    AlbumRow.tupled((<<[Int], <<[String], <<[Int]))

定义了从JDBC类型到GetResult[T] 的隐含转换,GetResult[T] 为函数PositionedResult => T的一个封装。 val q2 = Q.query[Int,(Int,String,Int)] ( """ select albumid,title,artistid from Album where artistid < ? """) val l2 = q2.list(10) for(t <- l2) println( " " + t._1 + " " + t._2 + " " + t._3)


 1 For Those About To Rock We Salute You 1
 4 Let There Be Rock 1
 2 Balls to the Wall 2
 3 Restless and Wild 2
 5 Big Ones 3
 6 Jagged Little Pill 4
 7 Facelift 5
 8 Warner 25 Anos 6
 34 Chill: Brazil (Disc 2) 6
 9 Plays Metallica By Four Cellos 7
 10 Audioslave 8
 11 Out Of Exile 8
 271 Revelations 8
 12 BackBeat Soundtrack 9

Q.interpolation 支持字符串插值,比如:

def albumByTitle(title: String) = sql"select * from Album where title = $title".as[AlbumRow]
println("Album: " + albumByTitle("Let There Be Rock").firstOption)

使用sql 做为前缀的字符串,可以将以$开始的变量替换成该变量的值,此外对于update/delete语句,可以使用sqlu前缀
