Embedthis Appweb 是一款快速小型的Web服务器。它主要用于嵌入式应用、设备和Web服务。
Embedthis Appweb 功能包括:支持同步和异步两种范例、SSL、TLS、基本和摘要式身份验证、虚拟主机、可装载模块、Apache样式配置的文件、PHP、ESP、 Ejscript、CGI、sandbox资源限制、日志记录、过程监测,以及配置和编译控制的扩展。
- Full HTTP/1.1 web server
- Multi-threaded, event-driven core: fastest performance in its class
- Dynamically loadable modules
- Server-side JavaScript web framework
- In-memory PHP module
- In-process CGI as well as traditional CGI
- Apache compatible configuration and logging
- Basic and Digest Authentication
- Secure Socket Layer (SSL/TLS)
- Session state data management
- HTTP Client program and library
- ROMable web pages and configuration files
- Cross-platform and portable
- Embeddable in applications and devices (supports XIP)
- Modular source code and documentation provided
