

继承 class CDataColumn » CGridColumn » CComponent
源自 1.1
版本 $Id: CDataColumn.php 3448 2011-11-18 10:21:42Z mdomba $

Either name or value should be specified. The former specifies a data attribute name, while the latter a PHP expression whose value should be rendered instead.

The property sortable determines whether the grid view can be sorted according to this column. Note that the name should always be set if the column needs to be sortable. The name value will be used by CSort to render a clickable link in the header cell to trigger the sorting.


属性 类型 描述 定义在
cssClassExpression string 计算PHP表达式中每一个数据元件, 其结果作为这个数据元件的CSS类名。在这个表达式中, 变量$row是行号(零基础); $data是该行的数据模型; $this是列的对象。 CGridColumn
filter mixed the HTML code representing a filter input (eg a text field, a dropdown list) that is used for this data column. CDataColumn
footerHtmlOptions array HTML中底部元件标签的选项。 CGridColumn
grid CGridView 拥有此列的表格视图对象。 CGridColumn
hasFooter boolean 确定此列是否有底部元件。 这决定基于是否footer已设置。 CGridColumn
headerHtmlOptions array HTML中头部元件标签的选项。 CGridColumn
htmlOptions array HTML中数据元件标签的选项。 CGridColumn
id string the ID of this column. CGridColumn
name string the attribute name of the data model. CDataColumn
sortable boolean whether the column is sortable. CDataColumn
type string the type of the attribute value. CDataColumn
value string a PHP expression that will be evaluated for every data cell and whose result will be rendered as the content of the data cells. CDataColumn
visible boolean 此列是否可见。默认为true。 CGridColumn


方法 描述 定义在
__call() 如果类中没有调的方法名,则调用这个方法。 CComponent
__construct() 构造方法。 CGridColumn
__get() 返回一个属性值、一个事件处理程序列表或一个行为名称。 CComponent
__isset() 检查一个属性是否为null。 CComponent
__set() 设置一个组件的属性值。 CComponent
__unset() 设置一个组件的属性为null。 CComponent
asa() 返回这个名字的行为对象。 CComponent
attachBehavior() 附加一个行为到组件。 CComponent
attachBehaviors() 附加一个行为列表到组件。 CComponent
attachEventHandler() 为事件附加一个事件处理程序。 CComponent
canGetProperty() 确定属性是否可读。 CComponent
canSetProperty() 确定属性是否可写。 CComponent
detachBehavior() 从组件中分离一个行为。 CComponent
detachBehaviors() 从组件中分离所有行为。 CComponent
detachEventHandler() 分离一个存在的事件处理程序。 CComponent
disableBehavior() 禁用一个附加行为。 CComponent
disableBehaviors() 禁用组件附加的所有行为。 CComponent
enableBehavior() 启用一个附加行为。 CComponent
enableBehaviors() 启用组件附加的所有行为。 CComponent
evaluateExpression() 计算一个PHP表达式,或根据组件上下文执行回调。 CComponent
getEventHandlers() 返回一个事件的附加处理程序列表。 CComponent
getHasFooter() 返回确定此列是否有底部元件。 这决定基于是否footer已设置。 CGridColumn
hasEvent() 确定一个事件是否定义。 CComponent
hasEventHandler() 检查事件是否有附加的处理程序。 CComponent
hasProperty() 确定属性是否被定义。 CComponent
init() Initializes the column. CDataColumn
raiseEvent() 发起一个事件。 CComponent
renderDataCell() 渲染一个数据元件。 CGridColumn
renderFilterCell() 渲染过滤器元件。 CGridColumn
renderFooterCell() 渲染底部元件。 CGridColumn
renderHeaderCell() 渲染头部元件。 CGridColumn


方法 描述 定义在
renderDataCellContent() Renders the data cell content. CDataColumn
renderFilterCellContent() Renders the filter cell content. CDataColumn
renderFooterCellContent() Renders the footer cell content. CGridColumn
renderHeaderCellContent() Renders the header cell content. CDataColumn


filter 属性 (可用自 v1.1.1)
public mixed $filter;

the HTML code representing a filter input (eg a text field, a dropdown list) that is used for this data column. This property is effective only when CGridView::filter is set. If this property is not set, a text field will be generated as the filter input; If this property is an array, a dropdown list will be generated that uses this property value as the list options. If you don't want a filter for this data column, set this value to false.

name 属性
public string $name;

the attribute name of the data model. Used for column sorting, filtering and to render the corresponding attribute value in each data cell. If value is specified it will be used to rendered the data cell instead of the attribute value.


sortable 属性
public boolean $sortable;

whether the column is sortable. If so, the header cell will contain a link that may trigger the sorting. Defaults to true. Note that if name is not set, or if name is not allowed by CSort, this property will be treated as false.


type 属性
public string $type;

the type of the attribute value. This determines how the attribute value is formatted for display. Valid values include those recognizable by CGridView::formatter, such as: raw, text, ntext, html, date, time, datetime, boolean, number, email, image, url. For more details, please refer to CFormatter. Defaults to 'text' which means the attribute value will be HTML-encoded.

value 属性
public string $value;

a PHP expression that will be evaluated for every data cell and whose result will be rendered as the content of the data cells. In this expression, the variable $row the row number (zero-based); $data the data model for the row; and $this the column object.


init() 方法
public void init()
public function init()
$this->name===null && $this->value===null)
        throw new 
CException(Yii::t('zii','Either "name" or "value" must be specified for CDataColumn.'));

Initializes the column.

renderDataCellContent() 方法
protected void renderDataCellContent(integer $row, mixed $data)
$row integer the row number (zero-based)
$data mixed the data associated with the row
protected function renderDataCellContent($row,$data)
    else if(
$value===null $this->grid->nullDisplay $this->grid->getFormatter()->format($value,$this->type);

Renders the data cell content. This method evaluates value or name and renders the result.

renderFilterCellContent() 方法 (可用自 v1.1.1)
protected void renderFilterCellContent()
protected function renderFilterCellContent()
    else if(
$this->filter!==false && $this->grid->filter!==null && $this->name!==null && strpos($this->name,'.')===false)
CHtml::activeDropDownList($this->grid->filter$this->name$this->filter, array('id'=>false,'prompt'=>''));
        else if(
CHtml::activeTextField($this->grid->filter$this->name, array('id'=>false));

Renders the filter cell content. This method will render the filter as is if it is a string. If filter is an array, it is assumed to be a list of options, and a dropdown selector will be rendered. Otherwise if filter is not false, a text field is rendered.

renderHeaderCellContent() 方法
protected void renderHeaderCellContent()
protected function renderHeaderCellContent()
$this->grid->enableSorting && $this->sortable && $this->name!==null)
    else if(
$this->name!==null && $this->header===null)
$this->grid->dataProvider instanceof CActiveDataProvider)

Renders the header cell content. This method will render a link that can trigger the sorting if the column is sortable.